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The process to get your license in Germany is called "Approbation". The application for the Approbation requires you to submit several documents (CV, copy of passport, certificate of birth, certificate of study, etc.) to a Governmental Office. There are 16 States in Germany; the offices in different states operate in different ways. For the application, you should hand in a certificate of German language. The level required is normally B2, although the higher your level, the better. As of 2017, there are 2 German states require level C1. The Governmental Office will ask you to pass an extra language examination applied by the syndicate of doctors - the objective is to test your ability to use medical vocabulary and to use the language in the context of a hospital or clinic. Depending on the German state, you will be required to pass one or two exams. Those exams are a test of your ability to communicate with patients, and check your medical vocabulary. The exam is oral. After you have passed the language exam and submitted all the documents, the German authorities will analyse your application for the Approbation. There are two possible outcomes of this analysis: your study and experience might be considered equivalent to the one of a doctor who has studied in Europe, or you might be considered not yet equivalent. Regarding your specialization, each one of the 63 specializations in Germany have a specific regulation regarding the amount of time and cases you must work as assistant in order to be allowed to take the examination for this specialty. After you start to work in Germany, we will help you to get your experience (logbook) outside of Germany to be recognized by the medical syndicate. The exam for your specialty is an oral exam held in the Syndicate of Doctors. The duration of the exam is at least 30 minutes and maximum 3 hours.

Learn German until B2.

Pass in the German language tests (Patientenkommunikationstest, Fachsprachprufung).
if necessary, pass the equivalency test (Kenntnisstandprufung).
Work as assistant (residency period) - Duration depends on your previous experience.
After completing the log book, apply and pass in the specialization exam.
Work as specialist.
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