The process of recruitment of nurses involves three steps:
Preparatory Phase
Preparation of documents for application to adaptation program

- CV
- Certified copy of school diploma.
- Certified copy of nursing diploma including Transcriptof Records / List ofcourses incl. mount oftheoretical and practicalcoursehours
- Job references from all employments mentioned in the CV
- Motivation statement
- Scan ofpassport
- Application photo
Attention: These are the basic documents. Our partnerinstitutions for Adaptation Program might ask for additional documents, so please refer to the websites directly to find out which documents exactly you need for which application
Preparation of for visa application to the country of your adaptation program

We will provide you with further information about the required documents for your visa application upon admission to one ofthe Adaptation programs.
Preparation of additional documents to apply for a job as a nurse in Germany and for the recognition process to practise as a nurse in Germany
We will provide you with further information about the required documents for the process upon admission to one of the Adaptation programs, but you can see a number of the required documents here:
- All documents needed for the application to the Adaptation program and the visa
- Birthcertificate; marriagecertificate, birthcertificates of children if there are any
- Clearance Certificate of all the countries the nurse has worked in
- Professional licenseas a nurse of all the countries the nurse has worked in
Attention: All the required official documents (Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses) must be legalized by the ministry of foreignaffairs (orsimilar), be translated to German, and the German translation must be legalized by the German embassy.
Adaptation Program

Nursing adaptation program for Klaipeda University
For more details
Watch Our latest webinar on German Nursing Adaptation Course
Working Phase

- Permanent workcontracts in general – with 2 years contract of mandatory stay with first employer
- Salaries of 1.500-2.000€ net per month as full licensed nurse, all social security already deducted and covered
- Free choice of employer and city after the first 2 years of commitment to the first employer